Day 1900

Day 1900 Record Keeping
Day 1872 Fixed Meditation (20 min = selfing, vipassana)
Day 1746 Writing (7, 20 min Pomodoros, hard)
Day 1285 Exercise (DID NOT DO)

Day 1026 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)
Day 336 Flossing (All teeth)

Good sleep. Back from a week off after finishing my proposal. Also finished with 90 days of clean eating via the tally clicking method. Post to follow.

Day 1886

Day 1886 Record Keeping
Day 1858 Fixed Meditation (30 min = tantra, metta, selfing, vipassana)
Day 1732 Writing (5, 20 min Pomodoros, hard)
Day 1271 Exercise (DID NOT DO)

Day 1012 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO
Day 322 Flossing (All teeth)

Ok sleep. Great work. Getting back into the rhythm of things from being back on my road trip. Interesting to note the week lag time after getting back. Need to figure out a way to mitigate that, because it seems quite consistent.

Day 1859

Day 1859 Record Keeping
Day 1831 Fixed Meditation (DID NOT DO)
Day 1705 Writing (3, 20 min Pomodoros, hard)
Day 1244 Exercise (running, 14 min HIIT, 60s:15s)

Day 985 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)
Day 295 Flossing (All teeth)

Good sleep. Having an issue with start time with writing, which tends to delay everything. Today I had a meeting, which squashed everything, causing me to skip stretching and meditation. Hopefully the tests I’m running on writing will solve this issue.