Day 160 & Site Format

Day 160 Record Keeping SRHI = 81
Day 128 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 83
Day 74 Bodyweight Exercise SRHI= 79 (3 bridges, 1 min side and decline planks)
Day 1 Writing = 12
Day 174 Eating SRHI = 62
Good sleep, ok wakeup. Great mood yesterday. 

Site Format
A friend of mine who is interested in this blog made a joke yesterday - that he was trying to form a habit in order to read it!

This makes complete sense - the blog definitely isn’t structured for ease of reading. What I’d like to do is see if tumblr has different layout options. Ideally I’d want a “Start Here” section, with a writeup outlining the project, followed by links to key posts. I’d like another section on my graphs. And perhaps another on links to key academic articles, like Verplanken’s SRHI or Lally’s 21 days do not a habit make article.

I was initially thinking about separating out my daily log, but I’m leaning against that. In my mind it helps underscore that this is a work in progress, it’s one being done right now, and that theory does not trump the actual practice. 

I’m hoping I can change this format fairly soon without too many problems, but I won’t even attempt it until I’ve moved (t-minus 6 days).

Day 37 & Verplanken on Hacking the SRHI

Record Keeping SRHI = 62
Fixed Meditation = 21
Dynamic Meditation = 55
Great sleep, bleary wakeup

This Dynamic Meditation thing is continuing to be quite interesting.

Yesterday I emailed Bas Verplanken, a big researcher in habit formation (I believe he helped created the SRHI), asking if any research had been done on “hacking the SRHI” - manipulating individual facets. I wanted to know if this would actually result in faster habit formation.

His response made sense. The SRHI is holistic - something that is simply frequent isn’t necessarily automatic, and one without the other isn’t a habit.

I’m still interested in this because in this dynamic meditation habit, frequency AND automaticity seem to be going hand in hand. I am shocked at how automatic catching negative emotions when I have them throughout the day is becoming.

The only answer will be to try it with another habit, preferably a more normal one. A fixed habit, like flossing.