Day 1616

Day 1616 Record Keeping
Day 1587 Fixed Meditation (DID NOT DO)
Day 1462 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 1001 Rowing (DID NOT DO
Day 742 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO
Day 52 Flossing (SRHI = 64, 6 teeth)

Good sleep. Really sick, day trip. Only got home to at 2 am. Recorded only to observe that because of the change of location, I'm not really certain if I flossed today. Usually I floss in the shower, but because theres not enough of a ledge, I haven't been able to have it out, so I end up brushing, and therefore flossing outside of the shower. It's interesting that just a simple changeup can interfere with a habit at the brink of superhabit status.